Learn with us

Our fantastic team of caring and talented staff are here to help you succeed. We will work with you and the people who are important to you, to create a personalised plan which will help us to provide great education, support and care to you.

We strive to create a fun environment where you can learn, develop skills for independence and make new friends.

We have lots of great community links which help you to try new experiences and build your skills and confidence. This might include new hobbies, as well as interests in future employment.

Your Support and Care

  • Using a person centred approach, our skilled, experienced and dedicated team of both teaching and care staff, strive to provide every young person with an individualised programme matched to their aspirations. 

    We are flexible and adaptive in our approach, making sure we meet the learning needs and requirements of all our students. Depending on the interests, aspirations and agreed outcomes for each young person, their programme will include education, care, independent living skill's development, experiential learning, travel training, skills matched work placements and training within the college and through accessing the wider community.

  • Occupational Therapy at Bevan College aims to support students in a person-centred way by considering the daily activities that are important to the individual, but are challenging or difficult for them to do.

    The Occupational Therapist will assess students in their residence or work environment and get to know them. They will work with students to find the best solution that supports them to overcome any challenges they may be experiencing. This will enhance their skills and opportunities for learning and independence.

    Ways in which OT can help students:

    • Help students to do things that are interesting and valuable to them

    • Work to build new skills and confidence in their own abilities

    • Increase opportunities for students to take part more fully in new experiences and look towards a future beyond College

    • Encourage students to build relationships with the people around them

    • Help students develop routines and organise their time so that they have a balance between self-care, work and leisure

  • The aim of Physiotherapy at Bevan College is to offer a range of specialist programmes, completely tailored to the physical health needs of students. These programmes may be integrated across the curriculum and our residential environments, ensuring they are delivered in a continuous and functional way.

    Students will work with their physiotherapist to develop their own programme and may have individual and/or group sessions. Physiotherapy programmes may include:

    • Pain Management

    • Posture Management

    • Respiratory support and management

    • Gait and balance training

    • Hydrotherapy

    • Stretch and standing routines

    • Mobility aids

  • The Speech and Language Therapy team at Derwen College works as part of a multidisciplinary team to maximise staff knowledge and skills around communication and dysphagia.

    Speech and Language Therapy is embedded into College life, thus providing a total communication approach. Students are supported to achieve communication goals in a real-life learning environment.

    A range of personalised strategies are used to meet students’ needs. These approaches may include:

    • Makaton signs and symbols

    • Communication passports

    • AAC devices

    • The Listening Programme

    • Staff training and support

  • We are responsive to the training and support needs of each student who comes to Bevan College. Relevant medical training identified through transition to the College is implemented to ensure that our staffing team are best placed to support you. This includes working with assigned medical professionals and others who are able to provide advice, oversight and training.

    We are able to support with a range of medication administration and handling needs associated with a range of student needs, including epilepsy, diabetes, dietary medication and more.

    We have secure medication storage facilities (both ambient and refrigerated), with medication supervision and support available to students as required.

  • Our person-centred learning, care and support plans help to ensure that the team working with each of our students has the knowledge, training and skills to deliver high quality support.

    We are committed to creating a safe environment where our students can grow, thrive and feel a sense of belonging. We adopt a trauma informed approach to our work, using therapeutic support to help develop students skills in self-regulation, wellbeing and health.

  • The rights, choices and views of students are central to shaping our services, improving quality and support. We are committed to ensuring that all students have both formal and informal (structured and incidental) opportunities to have their voices heard and that mechanisms exist to act on feedback, informing students of any changes or improvements made as a result of their input. 

    Our approach is built on the following principles:

    • Listen

    • Respect

    • Include